{ Cymbella's motto is Cleaner Production }
Management Systems
Implementation, maintenance and integration of:
- Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14001 and EMAS.
- Quality Management Systems: ISO 9001.
- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems: OHSAS 18001.
- Energy Management Systems: ISO 50001.
- Ethical and CSR Management Systems: SGE 21.
We offer different Possibilities of Training:
- Implementation of Environmental Best Practices for daily activities.
- Customised In-Company Courses according to specified requirements.
Legal Compliance and Grants
- Identification and Updating service for Environmental and/or Occupational Health and Safety Legislation, according to European, national, regional and local requirements.
- Delivery of a Certificate to accredit legislation updates for ISO 14001, EMAS and OSHAS 18001 audits.
- Application and processing of available Grants.
Waste Management
The proper handling and disposal of Waste is amongst our priorities, since the levels of waste production are increasing daily and there is growing concern about related toxicity issues. Moreover, waste represents a serious hazard to both the human population and the environment.
In this regard, we offer several tailored solutions such as:
- Integrated Waste Management.
- Processing waste Administration Requests .
- Elaboration and updating of Waste Records.
- Waste Characterization by certified laboratories.
- Waste Prevention and Reduction.
- Minimizing Hazardous Residues.
- Advice on proper Reuse of Packaging.
Water Management
Water also deserves special attention, and is another of our prioritiy areas. Nowadays, this natural resource is becoming increasing scarce and valuable, thus proper management and rational use of water is becoming ever more critical.
In this field, we offer the following solutions:
- Integrated Water Management.
- Technical Solutions with respect to equipment, chemicals, suppliers, methods for analysis and control and the best available technologies.
- Processing water Administration Requests.
- Optimization of fresh water consumption and waste water production.
- Analytical control of Drinking Water.
- Advice in the management and control of Waste Water Treatment Plants during their start-up as well as their operation.
- Physical, chemical, microbiological and radiological Analysis of water by certified laboratories.
Nowadays, there are many systems liable to host Legionella, so strict controls over them are mandatory since Legionella represents a very serious hazard to health.
In respect of Legionella requests we offer:
- Assessment of hygienic and sanitary maintenance of risk facilities pertinent to Legionella.
- Elaboration and maintenance of a Legionellosis Control Log Book.
Other Services
Other service areas where we can offer professional advice and guidance include:
- Energy efficiency.
- Environmental risk assessment.
- Green purchasing.
- Contaminated soils.
- Atmospheric pollution.
- Environmental acoustic pollution.
- Light pollution.
“Cymbella’s motto is CLEANER PRODUCTION. This is an environmental management option which prioritizes pollution prevention and minimization of waste flows in front of end-of-pipe treatments“
This approach goes beyond the legislative prescriptions since it enables the development of any activity whilst at the same time preserving the environment and accruing additional benefits, including finantial incentives. Examples of benefits include cost savings, corporate image enhancement, increasing company competitiveness and reductions
to environmental insurances. The Cymbella approach also enables ans supports companies in facing changes, as well as adapt to new technologies and legal requirements, while easily improving competitiveness and productivity and avoiding unproductive routine work.
Our Team
Cymbella is an environmental consultancy formed and run by a highly Technical and Experienced professional team with relevant experience, knowledge and qualifications in environmental management, resources optimization and certified environmental systems.
We recommend Objective and State-of-the-art Solutions guided by Sustainable and Efficient criteria. We always respect the Total Confidentiality of our customers’ information.
What do we offer?
- New Opportunities for Optimizing Resources and Saving Costs, leading to an increase in productivity while taking advantage of environmental requirements.
- Integrated Environmental Management according to legislation and the growing awareness of society towards the sustainable use of natural resources.
- Tailor-made Solutions which are both responsive to customer needs and environmentally sound.
Benefits to Organizations
The environmental consultancy services which we offer cover the key environmental considerations which any modern, successful organization has to face, and are based on a rational management of environmental impacts. Our services can be adapted to any type and size of organization, both public both private.
The main benefits which which organizations will derive from engaging our services are:
- Cost Savings.
- Fulfilment of Environmental Requirements and Avoiding Fines and Sanctions .
- More Sustainable and Respectful Environmental Attitude.
- Enabling the Outsourcing of the environmental departments.
- Octubre 2013: Cymbella Consultoria Ambiental participa en el Marketplace Ambiental de Tarragona.
- Marzo 2013: Cymbella Consultoria Ambiental realiza la formación del Curso de Gestión Ambiental para desempleados en La Selva del Camp.
- Junio 2011: Cymbella Consultoria Ambiental en artículo de Secot en el Diari de Tarragona sobre “Jóvenes Universitarios y Emprendedores”.
- Febrero 2010: Jornada técnica en la Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Reus. “Llei 26/2007 de Responsabilitat Mediambiental”.
- Septiembre 2009: Jornada técnica en la Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Tortosa. “Llei 26/2007 de Responsabilitat Mediambiental”.
- Julio 2009: Reportaje de Cymbella Consultoria Ambiental en Crònica Actualitat Empresarial nº 21 “La gestió mediambiental pot ser un actiu per a les empreses”.
- Mayo 2009: Cymbella Consultoria Ambiental finalista VI Premis Reus a la Creació d’Empreses.
- Abril 2009: Jornada técnica en el Gremi Comarcal de la Construcció del Baix Ebre. “Com optimitzar costos en el sector de la construcció”.
- Febrero 2009: Entrevista al emprendedor del mes en el Ebreconòmic nº 60. “L’emprenedor: Ariadna Piñol, Cymbella Consultoria Ambiental”.
- Noviembre – Diciembre 2010: “Setmana Europea de la Prevenció de Residus” (Ebreconòmic nº 78).
- Octubre 2010: “Gestionar els residus com a subproductes” (Ebreconòmic nº 77).
- Septiembre 2010: “Subvencions d’energies renovables i d’estalvi i eficiència energètica” (Ebreconòmic nº 76).
- Julio – Agosto 2010: “Avantatges de la ISO 14001” (Ebreconòmic nº 75).
- Junio 2010: “Cal fomentar la compra verda” (Ebreconòmic nº 74).
- Mayo 2010: “Aplicació de bones pràctiques ambientals a la indústria alimentària” (Ebreconòmic nº 73).
- Abril 2010: “Prevenció i control de la legionel·losi” (Ebreconòmic nº 72).
- Marzo 2010: “Estalvi d’energia a les empreses” (Ebreconòmic nº 71).
- Febrero 2010: “Responsabilitat ambiental de les empreses” (Ebreconòmic nº 70).
- Enero 2010: “Pla Renova’t de finestres i d’enllumenat interior” (Ebreconòmic nº 69).
- Enero 2009: “Com reduir costos i augmentar la competitivitat” (Ebreconòmic nº 59).
You can contact us by telephone on +34 672 398 115, e-mail at info@cymbella.com or by using the following form: